SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th in the Kincaid Gym​. 8:30am start time (approx. 5 min each). Sign up sheets are posted outside of the music room. Choose an available time and sign up.
Nov. 6 is the only day we’ll be holding auditions. We will have our production team in attendance to observe all auditions on Nov. 6.
Each audition includes SINGING, ACTING & DANCING.
Here are 3 videos from our choreographer so you can prepare for the movement part of the audition: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj-FxEiRinB1O26nax3xatNFseZ95pfO
Important audition info (role descriptions, required acting and singing excerpt) will be found at https://www.mtishows.com/disneys-aladdin-jr
Scroll down and open the AUDITION CENTRAL section.
Here is a link to a sample practice script: http://www.baththeatreschool.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Aladdin-Script.pdf
Here is a YouTube playlist to practice the ALADDIN songs: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7tn79KTACMkh2O_AccjXpyGycDwR_HQC
To audition, participating students must sign-up for an audition time. Sign-up sheets will be posted outside the music room. It is the student’s responsibility to remember his / her audition time.
To be fair and consistent to all students, we ask for all family and friends to remain outside of the gym during the auditions.
We may double cast some roles. Students assigned to a main role will be playing in half the shows while students with supporting roles will perform in all shows. Regardless of the assigned role, all students are expected to be present at all shows.
Role assignments will be sent home on Friday, Nov. 19.
Casting decisions are final.